The help you need is here.
Preventing foreclosures and maintaining credit availability for refinances have been priorities for the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA)—and so is providing resources to America’s homeowners and homebuyers. If you are looking to buy a new home, refinance an existing home or avoid foreclosure, the information in this section may help you find the answers you need.
If you have been impacted by the Coronavirus, if your mortgage is underwater or your property threatened by foreclosure, you may find the information in Mortgage Assistance helpful.
If you are purchasing a property or trying to navigate the financial housing market, visit Mortgage Education for information from shopping for a mortgage to avoiding scams and federal resources.
FHFA is here to provide resources to America’s homeowners who have a financial hardship that affects their ability to pay their mortgage.
Complaints, Concerns, and Questions can provide assistance to those having issues that involve the entities FHFA supervises and regulates.
Learn more about the financial impact and process of buying and owning a home, and how to avoid mortgage scams.
Tips for Homebuyers provide the groundwork for those buying a property.
Tips for Homeowners includes resources to help you understand your mortgage and prevent foreclosures.
Avoid Scams provides tips to understand how you can avoid and prevent scams, and provides help resources if you already are a victim.
Page Last Updated: November 1, 2023