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FHLBank System at 100: Report Implementation​​​

​FHFA published the FHLBank System at 100: Focusing on the Future report in November 2023, following an extensive public engagement period. The Agency is taking prompt action to implement recommendations in the report through ongoing supervision, guidance, and rulemaking, and is committed to maintaining transparency throughout the implementation process.

Actions in the report are organized under four themes. See below for FHFA’s top priorities for implementation in 2024 under each of these themes. Please check this page regularly for updates and information about opportunities for public input.


Mission of the FHLBan​k System

Update and clarify the mission of the FHLBank System to reflect the FHLBanks’ two core objectives: 1) providing stable and reliable liquidity to their members, and 2) supporting housing and community development

     2024 Priorities

  • Clarify the mission statement for the FHLBank System and set forth criteria for assessing mission achievement by the FHLBanks
  • Establish an incentive structure for FHLBank members to support the housing and community development mission of the FHLBanks
  • Enhance the scope of the FHLBanks’ Targeted Community Lending Plans​


Stable and Reliable Source of Liquidity

Distinguish the role of the FHLBanks in providing secured advances from the Federal Reserve’s financing facilities and better position the FHLBanks to perform their liquidity mission

     2024 Priorities


Housing and Community Development

Expand the FHLBanks’ housing and community development focus

     2024 Priorities


FHLBank System Operational Efficiency, Structure, and Governance

Ensure the FHLBanks are structured to be efficient and stable moving forward, membership eligibility requirements promote sufficient mission orientation, and governance requirements enable the FHLBanks’ boards to effectively address emerging risks and oversee the safety and soundness and mission achievement of the FHLBanks

     2024 Priorities

  • Standardize and strengthen membership eligibility requirements across member types
  • Expand the list of expertise for independent directors
  • Clarify board of director responsibility for mission performance, including through ties to executive compensation


Con​tact for more information.


Last updated September 30, 2024​​​​​​