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Alan Anonymous
Rule Number:
Federal Register Citation:
86 FR 1326
12 CFR Part 1242
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This proposed rule is NOT FAIR, and therefore NOT SOUND. The GSEs are critical to the national housing finance markets and therefore, serve a great deal of public interests. The proposal transfers all risks, including the risks exposed to the GSEs when performing their public missions,  to private investors in both the GSES and the mortgage-back securities. This would force investors to seek much higher returns from securities to compensate higher risks, which would inevitably drive up mortgage rates and disrupt the housing market. This also makes it more difficult to attract private capitals and to let the GSEs exit the conservatorship. Given the national housing market is so critical to the overall economy, it is my strong belief that the government should share the responsibilities as well as the risks too, which would make more robust national housing financing market and therefore a stronger economy. Please don't let political rhetoric drive the economic decisions. Regards

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