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Home / Policy, Programs & Research / Research / FHFA MORTGAGE ANALYTICS PLATFORM (Version 3.0)
White Papers


Published: 12/8/2022

​​​​​​​​​Xiangdong Chen, An​drew Davenport, Sherman Davis, Caroline Hopkins, Charles Hu, Xun Liu, Alexandra Marr, Yan Sussman, Andrew Varrieur, Bojun Yan, Xiaoming Zhou

Contact:​​ Charles Hu, Federal Housing Finance Agency, 400 7th St SW, Washington, DC 20024, Xiaoqiang_hu@fhfa.gov


​​​​​Xiangdong Chen, An​drew Davenport, Sherman Davis, Caroline Hopkins, Charles Hu, Xun Liu, Alexandra Marr, Yan Sussman,
​Andrew Varrieur, Bojun Yan, Xiaoming Zhou

For Further Information Contact:​

​Charles Hu, Supervisory Financial Analyst, Office of Capital Policy, (202) 649-3167, xiaoqiang.hu@fhfa.gov;
Sherman Davis, Principal Financial Analyst, Office of Capital Policy, (202) 649-3502, sherman.davis@fhfa.gov.

​Release Notes:

​This white paper incorporates the following major enhancements and updates reflected in the third version of the Single-family FHFA Mortgage Analytics Platform (FMAP v3.0) since version 2.0 of FMAP was released in May 2020:

  1. Redesigns and re-estimates loan behavioral equations.
  2. Develops and implements a proprietary loss severity model.
  3. Uses expanded and more representative loan performance data and more granular level economic data to estimate mortgage performance.
  4. Estimates the behavioral equations via an iterative, out-of-sample, model building process.

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